Network for Transport Measures


Come and take part in the reporting of a concrete and successful transition project

The transition towards GHG free goods transport involves several challenges that requires substantial measures within:_

– Demand control

-Improving efficiency

– Use of new techniques

HCT-trucks, (High-Capacity Transport) fuelled by renewable fuels linked to an intermodal transport system (rail/road) is a concrete example of transition towards GHG-free transport that works already today. NTM participates in this project in order to support path finding  activities that can be copied by others. Moreover, the project provides vehicle data that enable these types of trucks within NTMcalc.

November 19, the project HCT-Duo will make its final reporting in Örebro. Register here in order to listen to all participants and their findings in a solution based on HCT trucks in distribution in combination with long haul rail transport. First come, first served