Scenario analysis driving and evaluating GHG transition progress
In the autumn member meeting, we focus on scenario analysis as a supporting tool for strategy development towards GHG-emission free transportation.
Historically NTM and NTMCalc has mainly been used for calculating emissions and energy use for carried out transport operations. To look into the future, including potential new solutions have been considered difficult and more uncertain. Still, we know that shippers and carriers, requests more long-term forecasts. Including requirements and possibilities in order to reach climate targets. In this member meeting we want to highlight the possibilities and drawbacks in using scenario analysis to support and evaluate the transition progress.
Venue: Microsoft Teams
Date: November 13
Time: 13.00-15.00 (CET)
Registration: info[a] no later than November 11
Scenario techniques as a method to drive and follow-up transition progress
Håkan Johansson, Trivector
Swedish Transport Administration scenarios towards 2045
Helen Lindblom, Trafikverket
Shipper based scenarioo analysis towards 2050 based on NTM tools
Magnus Swahn, NTM
The seminar ends with a discussion regarding opportunities and risks with scenario analysis. Thereafter we end the meeting by discussing data quality and its connection to scenario analysis. The aim is to continue this discussion at the coming annual member meeting the comming spring as the main topic.