Network for Transport Measures

Increasing the credibility of transport environmental performance April 2014

Meetings and seminars > Wikis > Increasing the credibility of transport environmental performance April 2014
Meetings and seminars > Wikis > Increasing the credibility of transport environmental performance April 2014

Increasing the credibility of transport environmental performance

The formal annual meeting was followed by a seminar focused very much on the highly relevant question, how we can make our environmental performance data more credible i.e more comparable over time end between organizations.

Årsmötesprotokoll 2014
NTM strategy


NTM annual meeting 2014

EY_Need for external verification_NTM_2014-04-29 Jens Bruno

Marc Cottignies – NTM annual meeting 2014



NTM Case NTM E2cap Henrik Boding

NTM Denmark – 290414