In-setting – a pathway towards climate transition of transport?
13.30 Why is in-setting needed as a product?
This is in-setting, Göran Erselius 2050
What is the motive with a climate transition of transport through market mechanisms such as in-setting? Risks and opportunities?
Maria Gungner Energifabriken discusses with Henrik Östlund, Systembolaget
14.00 Buyers and sellers of in-setting services?
A brief presentation by some of the actors that offers and uses in-setting. i.e. struggles to accomplish a transition towards transport services with less emissions of greenhouse gases meanwhile feeling confident about its measurable and accountable effects
Per Tunell, Wallenius
David Hild, Fly Green Fund
Staffan Johannesson, Volvo Cars
14.30 Coffee
15.00 Discussion of opportunities and challenges by in-setting?
Do the various initiatives; GHG-protocol, ISO 14 083, SBTi, EU ETS, MRV, CSRD, other environmental impact work together or do they counteract each other? A common discussion.
Moderator; Magnus Swahn, NTM
15.30 Leg stretch
15.40 NTM tools and progress
Magnus Swahn, NTM
16.00 Mingle
17.00 Seminar ends