Network for Transport Measures

7.6 Calculation of fuel CO2 emissions

Methods and manuals > 7. Sea cargo transport > Wikis > 7.6 Calculation of fuel CO2 emissions
Methods and manuals > 7. Sea cargo transport > Wikis > 7.6 Calculation of fuel CO2 emissions

To get the CO2 emissions for a ship with a given dwt and capacity utilization, LCU, in kg CO2/tonne-km, the following equation should be used:

EI ship (dwt, LCU) = (a*dwt-c * F (LCU) / (PDR ship * LCU).

To get the emission of CO2, ECO2, for a specific transport with cargo mass M and travelled distance d, the following equation should be used:

E CO2  = EI * M * d

To get the fuel consumption the value for CO2 should be divided by 3.114 kgCO2/kg fuel and to get the heat conversion the fuel value should be multiplied by 0.041 GJ/kg fuel.