Network for Transport Measures

1. Introduction to performance calculations

Methods and manuals > Wikis > 1. Introduction to performance calculations
Methods and manuals > Wikis > 1. Introduction to performance calculations

NTM aims to provide easily accessible and user-friendly state-of-the-art calculation support and tools, providing high-quality data on emissions of key air pollutants and climate gases from freight and passenger transports. This is continuously accomplished by developing and linking together three main components into one integrated system, fully accessible through the internet:

Calculation methodologies and underlying data including default data, to calculate fuel/energy use and emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants related to individual cargo shipments and passenger travels for all four modes of freight and passenger transport respectively – road, rail, sea and air.

  • A database containing all the data (basic and default fuel/energy consumption and emission factors, metadata etc.), supporting these calculation methodologies.
  • A web-service which contains the calculation algorithms required by the calculation methodologies and links to the database in order to carry out the calculations with user specified input/output via a web interface.

The calculation methodology behind the tool is consistent and compatible with the CEN standard, EN 16 258 for calculating greenhouse gas emissions and energy use for freight and passenger transport.