Network for Transport Measures

8.1 Versions

This methodology paper is an update of a previous version. Although the text has been restructured the major changes concerns the scope of the NTM data base which has been expanded to now cover eighty-two various aircraft types and engine combinations relevant to the NTM members. The aircrafts are specified in three different tables based on their use and configurations: pure cargo freighters, pure passenger airliners and combined passenger and freight aircrafts (belly freighter) Aircrafts from the two later groups are new to the NTM database.

The NTM emission database builds on computations made by FOI[1] for NTM using the commercial software PIANO [1]. Compared to data sets used for previous versions of the NTM Air Transport paper, the new computations has been made with updated and more relevant parameters regarding for example fuel capacity (volume or weight limited) in relation to cargo or passenger loading factors, thus enabling better estimation of flight distances. The modifications were motivated by result comparisons for cargo freighters with Boeing data (payload-range diagrams) and the NTM database is now more comprehensive as well as more mature with errors detected and corrected.

This version also contains more discussions of uncertainties related to emission calculations. Added to the discussion on allocation are the treatment of reserve fuel, flown distance and a short broader description of aviation overall climate impact.

The calculation examples on how to use the data in practice are updated.

[1] FOI = Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut,