Network for Transport Measures

NTM TN 8; 20190429 WTT data for Biogas and natural gas

Methods and manuals > 16. Technical Notations > Wikis > NTM TN 8; 20190429 WTT data for Biogas and natural gas
Methods and manuals > 16. Technical Notations > Wikis > NTM TN 8; 20190429 WTT data for Biogas and natural gas

NTM Technical Notation

NTM TN 8; 20190429 WTT data for Biogas and natural gas


NTM basic data on biogas includes four different sources of origin:

  • Sewage sludge
  • Manure
  • Household waste
  • Industrial waste

The mix for different components of biogas is based on statistics from the Swedish Energy Agency from 2018. The emission factors are based on Hallberg (2013). As all four types of biogas originates from wastes no emissions from upstream processes has been included. No allocation has been made between the biogas and digestate hence all emissions are allocated to the biogas. No credit has been included in the calculations in order to align with the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED). All production of biogas is calculated with the intention to represent Swedish conditions for production and transport of raw material and digestate.

Biogenic emissions of CO2 and biogenic energy use in production & distribution is not reported separately in Hallberg et al (2013). The two are therefore estimated based on Tufvesson et al (2013).

Capital goods and impacts from production buildings and infrastructure are not included. The emissions for these are assessed to be neglectable (<1% of total emissions).

Natural gas

The emission factors for natural gas are based on Hallberg (2013). The blend with biogas is based on statistics from the Swedish Energy Agency from 2018.

The emissions from capital goods and production of buildings and infrastructure are assessed to be neglectable (<1% of total emissions).

Distribution of gas

Emissions from compression and liquefication of biogas is based on energy data from Börjesson (2016). Emission from distribution of biogas is based in energy data from Tufvesson et al (2013). As biogas has a share of over 90% in the Swedish mix the data for biogas was considered as representative also for natural gas.


Börjesson et al. (2016) Methane as vehicle fuel – A well-to-wheel analysis (MetDriv). Report

No 2016:06, f3 The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation Fuels, Sweden,

Available at

Energimyndigheten (2019) Drivmedel 2018 – Redovisning av rapporterade uppgifter enligt drivmedelslagen, hållbarhetslagen och reduktionsplikten. ER 2019:14. Available at

Hallberg, L., et. al., (2013) Well-to-wheel LCI data for fossil and renewable fuels on the Swedish

market. Report No 2013:29, f3 The Swedish Knowledge Centre for Renewable Transportation

Fuels, Sweden. Available at

Tufvesson, L et al., (2013) Miljönytta och samhällsekonomiskt värde vid produktion av biogas från gödsel. Rapport nr. 86

 The data was delivered by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute for NTM.