Network for Transport Measures

11. Road passenger bus transport

Methods and manuals > Wikis > 11. Road passenger bus transport
Methods and manuals > Wikis > 11. Road passenger bus transport

To make a good estimate of energy used and exhaust emissions from road vehicles it is crucial to specify the vehicle, fuel used and other conditions that influence the emission levels as accurate as possible,. Therefore NTMCalc offers the possibility to make a detailed description of these parameters.

NTMCalc provides fuel consumptions and pollutant emission factors for passenger buses including types that are further divided into sub segments representing different types of buses. For all sub segments NTMCalc covers several emission standards, fuels, traffic situations and road gradients.

The weight-based load factor has a significant impact on both fuel consumption and pollutant emissions. Passenger load, fuel consumption and distance must be specified by the user. For all other parameters NTMCalc provides default data.

All emission factors and fuel consumptions for road vehicles are taken from the European road emission model HBEFA 3.1. The traffic situations included in the first release of NTMCalc3.0 represent various road types as defined in HBEFA3.1.

The fuel consumption for a specific transport is calculated by multiplying the distance with the distance specific fuel consumption that corresponds to the vehicle, road type and load factor entered by the user. Pollutant emissions are calculated by multiplying the total fuel consumption with the fuel specific emission factors in the NTMCalc database. The emissions of the fuel-related pollutants CO2 and SO2 are calculated from the total fuel consumption and the specified carbon and sulphur content of the fuel.

The aim is to be more easily able to make calculations of emissions from journeys by bus and to obtain better agreement between different calculations.