Node cargo handling baselines
These baselines are based on data available through literature reviews and expert interviews. The settings aim to reflect on general cargo handling in goods terminals and warehouses. In general we recommend use of real data if available at sufficient quality. NTM default data are conservatively assessed and should if used thereby not enable low emission calculations. Furthermore they should promote service suppliers to present their real data in relation to NTM default data, hence being used in the service procurement process
Port handling
Rail combi terminal handling
ITU storage
Clarifications and abbreviations
Refers to emissions of greenhouse gases [CO2e] and use of energy [MJ; kWh]
Use of energy, including fuel production/ distribution and the combustion (wtw).
Emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents including fuel production, distribution and the combustion (wtw).
Based on tough conditions, +30 outside temperature to zero (0) degrees Celcius in load area
Intermodal Transport Unit, e.g. container, swop-body, semi-trailer, truck (rollende landstrasse)
Specifies the measurement unit
System boundary, SB
Refers to the “horizontal” system boundary, i.e. the well-to-tank and tank-to-wheel dimensions. The vertical dimension would be to also include the building and scrapping of terminal equipment. This data only includes operational activities.
Refers to the number of ITU handlings in the terminal, e.g. the container is unloaded from the ship and positioned in a stack. Much later it is loaded on a truck for further transportation. This requires two handlings of the same container. Another example would be unloading a semi-trailer from a train and in the same handling put it on a truck, i.e. one handling.
Large intermodal rail terminal
< 100 000 handlings
Medium intermodal rail terminal
< 50 000 handlings
Small intermodal rail terminal
< 10 000 handlings
To keep cargo above freezing temperature or below to hot, assumed as half energy use in comparison with cold. This is however only valid on certain days in certain regions
Based on tough conditions, +30 outside temperature to 0 degrees Celcius in load area
Assumed similar as cold but using more insulation
Project Holistisk miljöanalys, IVL 2016, Port Infrastructures in a System Perspective. A Part of the Project Environmental Calculations for Transport Infrastructure
Miljökalkyler för intermodala transportkedjor, Detaljerad beräkningsmetodik och relevanta. Schablonvärden, Rapport nr. 2009:6, WSP
www.transport, Additional energy use in transport 2008