Network for Transport Measures

Car travel baselines

These baselines are based on data available in NTMCalc 4.0, literature reviews and expert interviews. The settings aim to reflect on general road traffic by car. In general we recommend use of real data if available at sufficient quality. NTM default data are conservatively assessed and should if used thereby not enable low emission calculations. Furthermore they should promote actual used cars real data in relation to NTM default data, hence being used in the choice of cars.

Clarifications and abbreviations

NTM name

Describes propulsion by petrol or dieseltype and their gross weight


Describes type of fuel used. E5 refers to 5% Ethanol. B5 refers to 5% biodiesel


Includes a mix of motorway, highway and rural roads.


Refers to engine volume


Refers to emission standard

Road gradient

Describe road topography as this has an influence on fuel consumption


Relates to the average number people in the car. Assumptions are that commuting to work is 1.13, daily family trips is 1.31 and leisure trips are 1.7 .

Use weight

Is used to artificially design an average car based on weigthed average of all options.


Use of energy, including fuel production/ distribution and the combustion (wtw). Only combustion is ttw.


Emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents including fuel production, distribution and the combustion (wtw).

CO2 fossil

Emissions of fossil carbon dioxide in the combustion phase (ttw).


NTMCalc 4.0;

Handbook for emission factors