Network for Transport Measures

Default and benchmark transport data

Wikis > Default and benchmark transport data
Wikis > Default and benchmark transport data


In order to stimulate constructive and measurable transport procurement processes, NTM  used to develop and publish various guidelines on how to put forward and enforce environmental demands on the transport service suppliers. A key element was to ensure the ability to follow up on the transport supplier present performance, i.e. a need to focus on measurable improvements. Previously this led to a focus on activities that presumable leads to reductions rather than requiring reports on effects, independently on activities carried out.

Another common aspect of existing transport procurement procedures is their aim to secure the responsibility of transport supplier to fulfil legal requirements and common business practices. The combination of follow up on actual performance and in addition secure legal responsibilities leads to a more efficient follow-up procedure

Since the beginning of 2013 the EN 16258 standard became available. In 2023 it was replaced by ISO 14 083 which clarifies and align important principles and data when assessing the energy use and emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents from transport services. NTM actively takes part in this development.


NTME2cap aims to stimulate the improvement of the environmental performance of transport services. The performance is measured as specified energy use and CO2e performance in a well to the wheel perspective (wtw/total) forming general baselines that must not be exceeded by either individual or fleets of the transport suppliers’ vehicles or vessels. It can also be used for general assessment of total GHG-emissions from transport services.


The use of energy and emissions of CO2e are described as relevant baseline functions that must be met by the selected transport service provider. Fulfilling these demands may include one vehicle or vessel or a relevant fleet of vehicles/vessels, for example a fleet of distribution trucks.

From 2024 it is worthwhile mentioning that forecast data for the coming year are published to be used in the operational follow-up procedures. Furthermore, a set of transport service combinations  are published for the NTM member nhift. These data are publicly available.