Network for Transport Measures


The 25 year anniversary ended in a mingle party in Gothenburg

The 12th and 13th of November the project Triple F (Fossil Free Freight) held its kick-off meeting for all partners. NTM is one of the partners. In connection to this meeting NTM held an evening session where an interview film with Professor Tom van Lieden and a reflecting lecture by Magnus Swahn. Magnus was one of the initiating persons of NTM in 1993. The lecture looked back in time on progress and reflected 25 years ahead. The presentation is available here. Åsa Lindell, was also part in the founding of NTM joined the meeting as a secret guest. Åsa gave here personal reflections on 25 years of progress from an outside perspective. The evening ended with a much appreciated evening mingle that hopefully supports NTM in general and also the on-going work in the project Triple F.

Åsa Lindell and Magnus Swahn were active in founding NTM in 1993. Åsa joined the mingle party as a secret guest. 25 years later and not a single day older.