Network for Transport Measures


NTM participates i a new project on the consequences of contradicting lifecycle assessment guidelines regarding fuels

The 27th of May, IVL and project partners, including NTM received financial funding from the Swedish Energy Agency to study life cycle assessment (LCA) of fuels. The aim of the project is to increase the understanding within the research academy, industry and authorities how the diversity of existing LCA guidelines leads to contradicting results regarding environmental effects, thus selection of fuels.

The project aims to study how these contradicting guidelines can be handled and also prepare Swedish actors on coming international LCA harmonization.

The project will assess 3-4 fuel supply chains through three different LCA methodologies; RED (Renewable Energy Directive), EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) and PEF (Product Environmental Footprint).

The final report of the project will be published in December 2021. More information and preliminary results will be available later.