Network for Transport Measures


NTM annual member meeting 2022 – transport climate transformation

(The meeting will be held in Swedish)

In the shadows of various pandemic effects and the ongoing attempt by Russia to invade Ukraine, climate change is still an urgent question. In this very turbulent global development, the climate challenges can easily be forgotten, which also includes transportation. In the 2022 annual member meeting we will discuss the issue of how the transport industry can develop towards zero emissions of greenhouse gases. We have invited very knowledgeable lecturers to describe their view of how to accomplish progress. We will also present the internal development to support the transformation carried out by NTM during the last year. As we have had a long meeting pause our ambition is to give plenty of time for mingle and discussions in order to fulfil this need.

Venue:                Sjöfartshuset, Skeppsbron 10, Stockholm

Date:                   28 April

Time                    13.00-17.00

Registration:      info[a], at the latest April 22.  ”First come first serve”.

Program (We may add additional lecturers)

13.00   Annual member meeting

13.30   Transport analysis for the Swedish Government on transport climate actions

Lennart Thörn, Transport analysis

14.00   Fossil free Sweden – more important than ever

Svante Axelsson, Fossil free Sweden

14.30   Coffee

15.00   NTM progress supporting climate change within transportation

Magnus Swahn

15.15   Energy security and climate transformation . aligned or contradiction?

Discussion led by the Chairman of NTM; starting with some general reflections

15.45   Mingle and refreshment’s

17.00   Ending the seminar