Meeting regarding emission trading within the maritime sector
Welcome to a meeting regarding EU ETS I (please note only in Swedish)
The aim of the meeting is to share insights of the effect on sea transportation in the on-going implementation of EU ETS I. The meeting is carried out in cooperation with NTR, Industrirådet and NTM (Network for transport measures).
When: February 5, at 13.00-15.00
Where: Teams – see link below
Participants: Johanna Nilsson, Naturvårdsverket, Fredrik Larsson, Svensk Sjöfart och ordförande NTM and Ted Lundström, Ovako och ordförande NTR
- Welcome
- Ensuring fulfillment of antitrust legislation
- Background in brief; Fit for 55 and ESR
- Extension of EU ETS I to maritime – Johanna Nilsson, Naturvårdsverket
- Effects of the the extension of EU ETS I for the ship owners – Fredrik Larsson
- Effects of the the extension of EU ETS I for shippers – Ted Lundström
- Q&A
Microsoft Teams meeting
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