Network for Transport Measures


Annual member 2022 with focus on climate transition and energy security

This year’s meeting was held in extraordinary beautiful premises from the 17th century in the old town of Stockholm. Blue sky and the view of the sea outside in took away some attention from the lecturers.

The formal member meeting went well and the board was discharged from liability by the members. Read the full protocol in Swedish.

The first speaker was Lennart Thörn from Transport Analysis reporting from the Governmental  commission on how Governmental initiatives can support the transition towards climate neutrality. See Lennarts presentation in Swedish.

Svante Axelsson from Fossil free Sweden Sverige followed by giving an inspiring lecture on all on-going exciting and promising projects providing hope on what can be accomplished.

After coffee the Chairman Fredrik Larsson held a dialogue with David Sällh from Drivkraft Sverige on how energy security can be accomplished in a complete new global security situation. The discussion gave insights that strengthen the climate transition but also creates short term challenges.

After two years without physical meetings, it felt good to meet in real life and experience lectures words and body language, i.e., full comunication!

Lennart Thörn, Transport Analysis

Svante Axelsson, Fossil free Sweden