Network for Transport Measures


Scenario analysis driving and evaluating GHG transition progress

In the autumn member meeting, we focus on scenario analysis as a supporting tool for strategy development towards GHG-emission free transportation.
Historically NTM and NTMCalc has mainly been used for calculating …

Annual member meeting with the theme in-setting

In-setting – a pathway towards climate transition of transport?
At present we see an increasing need for actions within transport services in order to fulfil international agreements of reduced emissions of …

NTM Räknestuga – Fossil and renewable fuels calculations

Practical emission calculation training session for members via Teams February 19, 09.00-10.00 am
On October 30, we introduced NTM Räknestuga as an open forum for all members where we look into …

Member meeting the 11th of April in Stockholm

In setting, offsetting, emission trading allowances…
– How can we include flexible market mechanisms in our GHG calculations?
Do not miss our coming annual meeting at Sjöfartshuset in Stockholm. Besides the formal …

Practical emission calculation session for members

On Monday, October 30, we introduce a regular emission calculation training for various situations. On this initial occasion, we intend to tackle the issue of general freight transport emission factors…

The Network for Transport Measures celebrate 30 years!

On November 16,  2023 we celebrate our 30th birthday at the demo site of AB Volvo outside Gothenburg. The theme is solution and future orientation including exciting lectures and the …

NTM annual member meeting 2023 – Concrete measures for climate transition

Do not miss our coming annual member meeting at Sjöfartshuset in Stockholm. Apart from formalities, the meeting will dwell into a number of exciting topics and progresses. Our ambition is …

NTM Autumn member meeting “Supply chain resilience and environmental sustainability”

NTM are proud and happy to announce a very exciting autumn member meeting on the 10th of  November. Our much respected key note speaker, Professor Alan McKinnon will attend and present his knowledgeable views on the topic of supply chains resilience and environmental sustainability…

NTM 2021 annual member meeting the 21st of April – primary energy supply

The annual member meeting aims to kick off several digital lectures on present and future primary energy sources for the transport industry. The transformation towards use of clean and renewable …

The program for the 2020 annual member meeting now ready

The 21st of April at Postmuseum in Stockholm , NTM holds it annual member meeting. The following seminar will look into tomorrows mobility and logistics. Do not miss this opportunity. …

NTM annual member meeting 2020

The program for our coming member conference is now finalized. Our ambition is to provide a venue where we look into the future of mobility and logistics. Please note that …

Welcome to NTM autumn meeting on climate neutral transport

The program for our coming member conference is now finalized. The conference is co-organized with KNEG and Swedish Transport Administration. Do not forget to register. This will be an exciting afternoon. …

Welcome to NTM annual member meeting 2019

Venue: Post museum, Lilla Nygatan 6, Gamla Stan i Stockholm
Date: April 23
Time: 10.00 -12.00 followed by a light lunch
The vast number of climate mitigating measures launched within transport is more …

Anniversary mingle in Gothenburg

The 12th of November NTM end its 25th anniversary year in Gothenburg. The celebration takes place in connection with the starting meeting of the project Fossil Free Freight (Triple F). …

NTM breakfast annual member meeting in Stockholm the 18th of April

Welcome to NTM breakfast annual member meeting hosted by Circle K at Mariatorget (Torkel Knutssonsgatan 24) in Stockholm. We will start by discussing improvement of city air quality through environmental …

NTM autumn meeting at Sustainable Transport 2017

NTM participates at the conference Sustainable Transport the 16th of November in Stockholm. The conference is organized by IVL. NTM organizes one parallel session and host as usual a small …

NTM annual member meeting 2017

The annual meeting of NTM will be held the 25th of April in Stockholm in the afternoon. We coordinate the annual meeting with the conference Ekotransport 2030 that takes place …

NTM present evaluation of societal benefits and costs of transport and at Sustainable Transport Concerence

NTM organize a session at Sustainable Transport conference  on the theme: Transport societal benefits anf costs – can it be measured in monetary means? NTM member receives a discount for the full conference …

Nordic Conference on biofuels in goods transport

NTM in collaboration with NTM Denmark, Concito and Fores co-organize a conference on biofuels in goods transport. See program 

NTM annual member meeting 2016

Welcome to the annual meeting
Draft programme (Swedish)
Venue location

2016 years Ekotransport 2030

NTM participates again in the 2016 seminar Ekotransport 2030. More information on membership benefits will come later. See programme

Sustainable transport

NTM´s session: The role of transport in the circular economy (in Swedish)
The full program Presentations at the conference

Get to know NTMCalc in less than two hours

Participate in our English spoken webinar from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Latest registration October 2 through You will receive an invite the day before the webinar. We will …

Shaping the future of core network corridors

The European core network transport corridors are now submitting workplans for improvement measure. The workplans includes the use of ITS, efficient management and the promotion of future-oriented clean transport …

Ekotransport 2030

NTM co-organize the seminar Ekotransport 2030. The program offers several interesting speakers and is a good meeting sport if you want to connect with other people interesting in transport and …

NTM Annual Meeting 2015, Renewing the transport industry

Time: 10.00-16.00 with mingle until 17.00
Location: Lilla Bommen 3 i Göteborg at DB Schenker
This year´s theme is about how to stimulate renewal of the the transport industry in order to create …

Get to know NTMCalc 3.0 in less than two hours

Participate in our English spoken webinar from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Latest registration March 19 through You will receive an invite the day before the webinar.

Profitable logistics & greener transport

Lönsam logistik & grönare transporter (Profitable logistics & greener transport) is a seminar held in Swedish in Stockholm organized by Closer in cooperation with NTM. Programme and registration at:

Get to know NTMCalc 3.0 in less than two hours

Participate in our Swedish spoken webinar from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Latest registration September 29 through You will receive an invite with log in the day before the …

Get to know NTMCalc 3.0 in less than two hours

Participate in our English spoken webinar from 10 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. Latest registration October 2 through You will receive an invite with log in the day before the …

Development of greener logistic services

Utveckling av grönare logistiktjänster (Development of greener logistic services), is a seminar held in Swedish in Örebro that describes result from a project on greening logistics that NTM took part …

The conference Sustainable transport

Hållbara transporter (Sustainable transport) a seminar in Stockholm organized by IVL where NTM is responsible for one session. The seminar is held in Swedish. Register through NTM members receive …

Working group Travel

The next working group meeting not yet planed.

Working group Goods & Logistics

The next working group meeting not yet planed.

Working group Transport procurement

The next working group meeting not yet planed.