Network for Transport Measures


Standardization processes


It has become increasingly important for our work at NTM to cooperate internationally in order to develop a European and global wide harmonized data and methods for transport emission calculations. This has happened for some time informally through NTM’s contact network but since 2009 also formally by participating in the CEN-standardization process with regard to defining transports’ environmental impact.


To establish a common methodology for the calculation, declaration and reporting on energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to a transport service of goods and passengers.
The standard specifies guidelines, general principles, definitions, system boundaries, calculation methods, apportionment rules (allocation) and data recommendations, with the objective to promote standardized, accurate, credible and verifiable declarations, regarding energy use and GHG emissions related to any transport service quantified.


In this process, which is led by the French organisation ADEME, NTM acts as a technical expert and participates in the working group meetings.

Present situation

The 3rd of December 2010 a European standardization proposal TC 320, Methodology for calculation and declaration on energy consumptions and GHG emissions in transport services (goods and passengers transport) was delivered to CEN by the French conveyor from ADEME/Afnor. NTM has been a key partner in the small task force group finalizing this proposal. The coming year in this process consists of an inquiry period where all European countries will give feedback and finally vote for a potentially formalization of this standard.

Resources and deadlines

The inquiry process during 2011 starts in March and ends in August NTM will by the end of the inquiry process through member’s opinion present a position on the standard.

Project documentation

The Cen enquiry standard (for members only not for further distribution)
The Cen process (for members)

For more information: