Network for Transport Measures

Road transport trailblazers

Upcoming challenges for road transport is to establish long-term access to biofuels and to start truck electrification. The biofuel that seems to be most robust is biogas if sufficient quantities can be produced. The electrification is likely to include hybrids, clean electric drive with battery and fuel cell, and electric roads. Electrification involves several challenges. How should electricity be produced? How to secure power outlets? How should distribution be made possible in electricity grids and charging stations? Much indicates that this transition will take time.

In addition to energy and climate challenges, the haulage industry suffers from a lack of drivers, which limits the growth of the industry.

Trailblazers 2019

Systematic environmental improvements ay Alfredssons transport

Berglund’s haulage services fuelled by ethanol

Electric road distribution by TGM