Network for Transport Measures

Redundans och fyllnadsgrad

Med en stor grad av redundans baserad på flexibla, snabba och anpassningsbara transporter kommer dessa inte att fyllas optimalt. I marknader med stor volatilitet eller andra risker kan den totala effektiviteten innebära lägre fyllnadsgrader.

NTM on digalization at Sustainable Transport 2017


NTM on digitalization potentials at Sustsanable Transport, November 2017

General introduction

This section is presently under development but is focused on good examples of measures that improve the environmental performance of goods and passenger transport. Its scope is presently well-to-wheel but will most likely be extended to the inclusion of the use of infrastructure. The well-to-wheel delimitation means that improvement measures should be carried out within:

– Transport (goods & passenger/transport unit)

– Traffic (transport unit/vehicle)

– Propulsion (vehicle/engine & fuels)

The concrete measures to improve revolve around:

– Demand management

– Efficiency

– New technologies

In summary this means that improvement should but also need to be carried out in several different fields. Good and relevant examples will gradually be posted in accordance to this structure on the homepage.